
  • 2023-02-17
  • 三品書院管理員
A Series of Activities on Residential Day during Spring 2023 in Asia University
1. 活動報名:預計 2023/03/02 (四) 上午8點起,陸續開放各場次線上報名(點我傳送門),詳如報名頁面顯示
2. 活動取消:最晚活動前1日23:50前,需完成取消
3. 活動備取:備取至活動當天中午12:00
4. 現場報名:如現場尚有名額,可現場排隊遞補,遞補時間為18:30-18:40
★ 本活動開放備取,若有備取上,系統會自動寄信到學校信箱(相關問題請查詢 Q&A)(點我傳送門),或請自行至報名系統查詢,

參與對象:亞洲大學在學學生  Eligibility Requirements: All Students in Asia University
活動時間:18:3020:30 (18: 15-18:30開放入場,敬請早到,逾時視同缺席。同時段限報一場。) Time: 18:30 to 20:30 (check-in time: 18:15-18:30 )
  1. Image result for 驚嘆號  因應新型冠狀病毒,防疫期間,入場前必須 (1)額溫37.5度(含)以上/未戴口罩不得入場 (2)量體溫  (3)全程戴口罩。
  2. 本活動開放備取,若有備取上,系統會自動寄信到學校信箱, 或請自行至報名系統查詢,不另行通知。
  3. 本系列活動列為書苑日微學分課程,凡報名參與學生皆視為修課學生,詳細修課規定請上「三品書院」官網查詢。
  4. 本系列活動通識獎章;本活動學生證驗證入場
  5. 所有活動一律線上報名,報名後,活動前一日前可取消報名,未事前線上取消報名,且18:30未報到者,視同放棄該場次參與權利,並將「禁止線上報名(本活動不受理EMAIL/電話/人工取消報名)。報名網址:「三品書院」網站【http://character.asia.edu.tw/
  6. 所有活動皆需於活動當日21:00點前完成線上回饋單填寫(紙本請於現場繳回),才視同完成該場次出席步驟;僅出席未填寫/未繳回回饋單者,將「禁止線上報名」本學期其他後續三品書院活動(已報名但未辦理之活動,也會取消其報名資格)
  7. 活動前,請上官網查詢各活動地點及需自備的器具。
  8. 為了提倡動手送愛心之人本精神,部分場次作品將全數統一收回,作為公益義賣品,義賣所得將統一捐給政府立案之社福機構。
NOTE: 1) Image result for 驚嘆號  Due to COVID-19, during epidemic prevention period, before checking in, everyone must (1) those who has a FEVER/ NO FACE MASK are not admitted (2) have body temperature checked (3) wear a mask through the whole activity.
      2) New If you are put on the waiting list of a certain event, you will receive a letter of admission in the school email account when you get in, or you can check it on the website.  
      3) The series of activities in 110-1 semester will be micro-credit courses, and students who enroll in any of these would be considered as the students in the courses. For course requirement’s details, please visit the official website of " Three-virtue Academy ".
      4) No General Education Certification for all events; please bring Student ID card with you, and we will check your SID card at the check-in counter.
     5) All events need to be registered online (website addresshttp://character.asia.edu.tw/). Cancelling deadline would be a day before the event, and participant needs to report at class before 18:30, otherwise all your registration right and the events that you registered would be cancelled this semester.
     6) Online questionnaires should be filled in and submitted by 21:00 on the same day (hand copies should be handed at class), otherwise all your registration right
 and the events that you registered would be cancelled this semester.
     7) Before going to the event, please check the venue and what you need to prepare for it on the official website. 
     8) In order to promote the human spirit of love, all works in certain events will be reclaimed and sold in charity events for people in need.
報名方式:即日請,請上「三品書院」網站http://character.asia.edu.tw/】。Registration: Please register onlinehttp://character.asia.edu.tw/.
指導單位:學生事務處、三品書院  Supervisor: Office of Student Affair and Three-virtue Academy
主辦單位:亞美學院、通識教育中心、書院與住宿服務組 協辦單位:深耕計畫
Organized by: College of Asia Aesthetics, Center for General Education, Residential Colleges and Housing Service Section Co-organized by: HESP
聯絡電話:04-2332-3456 詹雯玲老師# 20102 /張筱筠 #1841 ()、吳莉婕老師 #3243 (惜福)、林怡君老師(感恩) #1754、陳峻誌老師(築夢) #6174、宿服組 黃助理 #3278或洽 吳助理 #3607
Contact Us: 04-2332-3456 CHAN, WEN-LING #20102/ CHANG, HSIAO-YUN #20016 (Summit Hall); WU, LI-CHIEH #20059 (Blessing Hall); LIN, YI CHUN (Gratitude Hall) #1754; CHEN, CHUN-CHIH (Dream Catcher Hall) #6174; MR. HUANG#3278, or MISS WU #3607
& Code
活動名稱 &講師
Topic & Speaker
基本素養 & 學苑
General Literacy
& Name of Residential Colleges
Self-provided Stationery
人數 & 地點
 of applicants
& Venue
品味:打造迷人的眼妝 邱欣怡
Taste : Putting on stunning eye makeup  Mango Chiu
卓越/ 築夢Excellence/ Dream Catcher Hall 自備彩妝品Bring your own cosmetics 眼妝是第一眼會讓人注意到的妝容重點,面對各式不同眼皮的同學,Mango老師會有不同畫法,想畫出適合自己又迷人的眼妝嗎?專屬於你/妳的課程千萬不要錯過。
Eye make-up is the key point of makeup that people will notice at first glance. Teacher Mango will use diverse techniques to help different students put on suitable eye make-up.   Do you want to have charming eye make-up that looks good on you? Then, don't miss this exclusive course.

Cosmetics Practice Room on Blessing Hall basement (800B)
品質:用手機說故事—短片影像編輯 李閎洲 & 黃郁棨
Quality:Telling Stories with Smart Phones—Video Editing  Li, Hung Chou & Hung, Yu Chi
卓越 / 惜福 Excellence / Blessing Hall 智慧型手機 Smart phone 本課程為手機攝影基本教學包含相機三元素、構圖、運鏡操作、影片製作流程、剪輯邏輯、軟體操作 (剪映跟lumafusion)、何為起承轉合轉場影片的節奏、.基礎的濾鏡及調色。
This class will teach basic techniques and knowledge of smartphone photography, including the three elements of the camera, composition, camera movement, video production process, editing concept, editing software, how to arrange pacing and tint, and types of filters.
B1 in Summit Hall
品德:是蘿莉塔!不是cosplay 萊姆Character:Lolita  Limu 卓越/感恩Excellence/Gratitude Hall" 無 NA 有時候會看到路人穿著華麗如宮廷裝的蓬蓬裙,當你大喊:「Cosplay!」的時候,卻可能引來白眼:「這是蘿莉塔。」蘿莉塔是甚麼?怎麼興起的?完整的蘿莉塔裝包含哪些細節?蘿莉塔內有哪些派別?當代羅莉塔的生態是甚麼?去哪接觸羅莉塔資訊?本活動邀請到知名的芙蘿拉店長來為各位詳解,現場還有幾件蘿莉塔服,歡迎同好來報名試穿喔!
What is Lolita? How did it rise? What should be included in a Lolita outfit? How many categories are there in Lolita fashion? What is the ecology of the contemporary Lolita? Where can you get the information of Lolita fashion? This class invites the manager of a well-known Lolita shop called Flora to divulge the details of  Lolita.
品味:精油的生活百寶箱 陳怡妮
Taste:Essential Oils Treasure Box Chen, Yi-Ni
SDG15健康 / 登峰(張)Excellence / Summit Hall
請穿著深色好露肩頸衣服、髮束紮頭髮 Tie your hair up and wear an off-the-shoulder top
Are you a person in a sub-heath state, whose neck easily feel stiff and sore under pressure. You feel uncomfortable whenever feeling anxious, sad or grumpy but can't get a diagnosis. In the long run, it can affect the quality of sleep and also harm a relationship because of negative emotions. This class will teach students how to use essential oils correctly, together with a massage, to maintain health, sleep better and ease discomfort in daily life.
四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
【義賣場】品德:光彩酒瓶燈 陳慧娟 Character:Glorious Wine Bottle Lights June SDG15關懷 / 登峰 (詹)Care / Summit Hall 剪刀Scissors 學習如何利用酒瓶製作的燈飾,增添生活上的色彩,又能讓環境更加光亮美麗。
Learn how to use wine bottles with LED lights to add a little color to your life and brighten up the environment.
L011 PBL教室
【義賣場】品質:手作乾燥花果束 洪翠苹 Quality : Handmade Dried Flower and Fruit Bouquet Hung, Tsui-Ping 關懷/ 築夢Care/ Dream Catcher Hall 無 NA 棉花花語為「珍惜眼前的人,珍惜身邊的幸福」,誰是你/妳最想珍惜、好好愛護的人?做一束心意滿滿的乾燥花果束送給她/他/自己吧!本次花果束課程將會結合可乾燥的新鮮葉材、已乾燥的花材及果實,搭配出有個人風格製作可乾燥保存的花果束,且讓我們在溫暖春日裡享受植物的美好吧!
The language of cotton flowers is" to cherish the people around you," and who is the person you/you want to cherish and love most? Make a thoughtful bouquet of dried flowers and dried fruits and give it to who you care! This class will teach students how to use fresh leaves that can be dried and dried flowers and fruits, plus your creativity, to create a preservable beautiful bouquet. Let's enjoy the beauty of plants in spring !
L011 PBL教室
品味:Darts 非難事—一起玩飛鏢 莊佩玉&何威廷
Taste: Darts is Not Difficult:Let's Play Darts Together Chuang, Pei-Yu & Ho, Wei-Ting
卓越 / 惜福 Excellence / Blessing Hall 無 NA 介紹飛鏢與其主要構造、握標方式及位置(重心點)、鏢靶計分方式、擲鏢姿勢講解,與實地投擲操作。
This class will introduce what darts is and the structure of a dart, how to hold, throw darts, and calculate the points. After introduction, students also have chances to give it a try.
25人四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
【義賣場】品質:質感金箔手工皂 吳姿誼 Quality: Gold Leaf Handmade Soap Wu, Tzu-Yi 關懷/感恩Care/Gratitude Hall 抹布1條、衛生紙數張。1 rag, several pieces of toilet paper. 手工皂的世界千變萬化,只要調整製作流程,就能做出獨一無二的成品。這次要帶大家做兩款看起來超有質感的精油香氛金箔皂,造型美麗,香氛自選,成品拿來送人自用都有滿滿的誠意!This class teaches you to make two kinds of essential oil gold leaf soaps that look super textured. 25人 HB88
品質:彩色苔球製作 王珮真
Taste: The Moss Ball Wang, Pei-Chen
SDG15卓越 / 登峰(張)
Excellence / Summit Hall
剪刀,抹布 Scissors, rag 發揮植物療癒力量,讓同學們接觸植物與自然,達到心理之平穩與安定,讓她們在心理上的壓力紓解,加強社交學習、培養耐心、認識植物知識、創意表現、觸覺的感受。
With the power of plant therapy, students not only gain the knowledge of plants and develop creativity but also are able to reduce stress and find peace of mind.
四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
品味:創意和菓子 羅靖誼 & 廖宜涵
Taste: Creative Wagashi Lo, Jing-Yi & Liao, Yi-Han
卓越 / 登峰(詹) Excellence / Summit Hall 無 NA 和菓子從前是貴族與大名(日本封建時代的大領主)才有機會品嚐的珍品,並常以季節感的「花鳥風月」為題捏製成各式美麗的外型,讓我們來一場美食與文學藝術的極致體驗。
Wagashi used to be confectionery which were limited to nobles and Daimyo, and it were often kneaded on the seasonal themes into various beautiful shapes like flowers, birds and the moon. Let us have an extreme experience of food, literature and art.
L011 PBL教室
品質:環遊世界遇見鈔票—小故事大視野 卓素絹
Quality:Travel around the World. An Encounter with the Banknotes—Small Stories, Big Views Cho, Shu-Chuan
SDG1卓越/ 築夢Excellence/ Dream Catcher Hall 無 NA 一張名片代表著一個人的身分地位,一張國家的名片──「鈔票」,則足以見證一個輝煌的年代,這將是最慷慨的分享,也是最完美的收藏。「環遊世界.遇見鈔票—小故事大視野」2小時的課程就是要您成為最具國際觀的「平民百萬富翁」!
A business card represents a person's status, and a country's business card──"banknote" is enough to witness a glorious era. This will be the most generous sharing and the most perfect collection. The 2-hour course of "Traveling around the world. Meeting banknotes - small stories and big vision" is to make you the most international-minded "civilian millionaire"!
L011 PBL教室
品質:女神男神製造肌 莊耀嘉 
Quality:Dance Moves for Building Muscle Chuag, Yaw-Chia
健康 / 惜福 Health / Blessing Hall 1.毛巾 2.水壺(要裝滿)3.乾淨的教室運動鞋 4.替換回家乾淨的衣服 5.瑜伽墊 1.Towel 2. A bottle of drinking water 3. Clean sports shoes 4. Clean spare clothes for replacement 5. Yoga mat 本課程教授夜店減肥系列舞蹈課程,有助雕塑身材曲線。
This class teaches you the dance moves which can help you lose weight and sculpt your body.
四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
品質:一起來煮出好吃的飯 歐陽如修  Quality:Cook delicious rice together Ou Yang, Ru-Siou 關懷/感恩Care/Gratitude Hall 碗筷餐具 Bowl and chopsticks 一天三餐,一年好歹也會吃到五百碗以上的飯。難吃的飯雖然可以囫圇吞棗吞下去,但吃到好吃的飯,會讓人感動萬分,單吃米,就是充分的滿足。但是一年五百碗以上的飯,要怎麼煮才會好吃?本課程邀請到對米有滿滿熱忱的講師,從挑米、洗米開始,帶領各位如何煮出一鍋好吃的飯。
This course invites an instructor who are passionate about rice to tell you how to cook delicious rice step by step.
25人 HB88
品德:流動瑜伽 陳欣 Character:Flow Yoga Becky 健康 / 登峰(詹) Health / Summit Hall 瑜珈墊一張(無亦可)、毛巾及水壺 One yoga mat (none is acceptable), towel and water bottle 流動瑜珈可改善緊繃痠痛、練出緊實體態的核心力,還能提升專注力!讓我們充分享受呼吸配合動作的舒暢感。
Flow yoga can relieve muscle stiffness and soreness, strengthen core muscle group, and improve concentration! Let us fully enjoy the comfort resulting from the good cooperation of breathing and movement.
品味:天然水果酵母披薩 童金南  Taste:Fresh Fruit Yeast Pizza Tung, Chin-Nan 創新/ 惜福 Innovation /Blessing Hall 無 NA 了解新鮮水果天然酵母,並運用在披薩的創意。Learn about fresh fruit yeast and use it to make pizza. 25
四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
品味:日式和菓子 劉凡溱
Taste:Wagashi Liou, Fan-Jhen
創新/感恩Innovation/Gratitude Hall 純水濕紙巾 Pure water baby wipes 精緻的和菓子是一種日本藝術,招待日本御皇貴賓,延續至今變成招待貴賓的上等甜點,好吃之外,還會配合季節,做出各種美麗多彩的造型。這堂和菓子入門課,將帶領各位製作簡單好上手的日式和菓子。
This introductory course in wagashi will teach you to make Japanese wagashi.
品味:咖啡煮意~啡比尋常—當咖啡遇上愛玉  黃淑華 & 賴柏霖 Character:Brewed Coffee Huang, Shuhua & Lai, Bolin SDG15創新 / 登峰(張) Excellence / Summit Hall 無 NA 位於南投縣國姓鄉海拔800-900公尺種植的品種多為黃波旁及鐵皮卡,咖啡園日照充足,晨昏多霧,日夜溫差大,高嚴境下成長的咖啡樹,營養優先分配給種子造就密度紮實、風味獨特的咖啡果實。本課程將介紹;1.國姓禾荳咖啡簡介;2.手沖咖啡教學與品嘗;3.手烘網咖啡活動;4.咖啡香氛袋製作。
Most of the species of coffee plants at the altitude of 800 to 900 meters in Guoxing Township, Nantou County are Yellow Bourbon and Typica. The coffee garden is in the fog in the early morning and evening and also receives adequate exposure of sunlight during the daytime. It experiences the most dramatic swing in temperature variation during the course of a day.  The coffee trees that grow in such condition provide nutrients to the seeds first and make coffee berries denser and have unique flavor. This course will introduce Guoxing Hedou Coffee, teach how to brew coffee and taste it, experience hand-roasted coffee, and make coffee aroma bags.
四宿地下室 B1 in Summit Hall
品質:橙香保濕護唇膏及蜂蠟布製作 吳姿誼 Quality:Orange Moisturizing Lip Balm and Beeswax Cloth Wu, Tzu-Yi 健康 / 登峰(詹) Health / Summit Hall 衣架2支、曬衣夾4支、剪刀一把、免洗筷1雙。2 hangers, 4 clothespins, a pair of scissors, and 1 pair of disposable chopsticks. 本課程要教大家製作橙香保濕護唇膏, 同場加映環保「蜂蠟布」,可以當作保鮮膜多次使用,還可以選擇喜歡的布料圖案。
This course will teach you how to make the orange-flavored moisturizing lip balm, plus eco-friendly beeswax cloth, which can be used as food wrap for many times, and you can also choose your favorite pattern.
L011 PBL教室
品德:在橋牌的世界裡,沒有高手的程度,也要有高手的風度 張佩琪 
Character:In the World of Bridge, Be a Good Sport Even Though You Have No Skills Chang, Pei-Chi
卓越/ 築夢Excellence/ Dream Catcher Hall 無 NA 搭建夥伴間沉默裡的默契,運氣不是所有,運用技巧、毅力與記憶力,在充滿故事的撲克牌裡絞盡腦汁。橋牌鮮為人知,在世界的某些小角落仍有人持續熱愛著。一起來遨遊在撲克世界裡,享受沉浸在橋牌的寧靜與鬥爭吧。
Bridge, an obscure card game, is still loved by some people.  During the board game, building a tacit agreement in silence between partners, luck is not everything. Instead, tricks, perseverance and memory are also key factors at poker. Let's start the journey in the poker world and enjoy the tranquility and battle at bridge.
L011 PBL教室
品德:核心瑜珈  鍾世偉 
Character:Core Yoga Chung, Shih-Wei
健康 / 惜福 Health / Blessing Hall 1.輕便服裝 2.毛巾。1. Workout clothes 2. A towel 瑜珈能夠幫助肢體伸展,也能活動全身筋絡,更可以讓我們身心放鬆,追尋內心的平靜。當身體和心靈排除負面能量,自然強化免疫力,提升自我療癒,達到紓壓的效果。
Yoga can help your body stretch, relax your body, soothe your soul, and strengthen immune system.
品德:聖木蜂蠟蠟燭 簡玉婷
Character:Santo Beeswax Candle Jian, Yu-Ting
健康/感恩Health/Gratitude Hall 無 NA 比起化學蠟燭,蜂蠟蠟燭不僅無毒,而且有各種神奇功效,它能增加空氣中的負離子,淨化環境、消除異味,而且不管怎麼說,暗夜中的燈火總是美麗的。簡單、友善環境的蜂蠟蠟燭,現在就到書苑日來體驗。
Compared with chemical candles, beeswax candles are not only non-toxic, but also have various magical effects such as producing negative ions, purifying the environment, eliminate odor, not to mention the beautiful atmosphere it creates with its fire. Come to Residential Day to have hands-on experience of making simple, environmentally-friendly beeswax candle now.
品質:手機顯微鏡工作坊 楊于葳
Quality : Mobile Microscope Workshop  Yang, Yu-Wei
創新/ 築夢Innovation/ Dream Catcher Hall 具有拍照功能的智慧型手機 A smartphone with a camera 2小時快速掌握科學maker手機顯微鏡的全貌,學會如何讓手機顯微鏡具備偏振光觀察、金相觀察、倒立觀察、螢光觀察等功能。現場會實際帶領操作(每人一台),觀察各種微生物的樣貌。
In 2 hours, you can quickly grasp the whole picture of the scientific maker mobile phone microscope, and learn how to make the mobile phone microscope whose features includes polarized light observation, metallographic observation, inverted observation, and fluorescent observation. Everyone will operate their own microscope camera to see the appearance of various microorganisms.
L011 PBL教室
品德:頌缽聲起禪意繞(禪繞畫創作)張玫芝  Character:Enter into the Spirit of Zen with the Sound of the Singing Bowl (Creation of Zentangle Painting) Chang, Mei-Chi 創新/ 惜福 Innovation /Blessing Hall 無 NA 在頌缽靜心冥想後,安定自我身心,再藉由一支筆一張紙自由發揮創作禪繞畫,在重複簡單線條的過程中專注於當下,自然而然地放鬆自我,可藉此舒緩壓力或情緒。
After meditating with a singing bowls to calm your body and mind, use a pen and a piece of paper to freely do a Zentangle painting with repetitive simple lines, focus on the present, and then relax naturally so as to relieve stress or release emotions.
四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
品味:永生花圈  陳貞吟 
Taste:Preserved Flower Wreath Chen, Chen Yin
創新/感恩Innovation/Gratitude Hall 1.鑷子:安置固定花朵 2.小剪刀:剪永生花材使用 3.衛生紙 4.小盒子(直徑>=15cm):課程中可裝永生花材、課程結束可以把作品裝好帶回家 1. Tweezers: pick up and fix flowers 2. Small scissors: cut flowers 3. Toilet paper 4. Small box (diameter>=15cm): putting flowers inside 即將進入夏天了,今年最後的春天回憶,就用花圈來保存吧!
Summer is coming, let's preserve your last memories in spring this year with wreaths!
品質:收藏大自然的顏色─植物染工藝 小毛老師
Quality: Collect the Colors of Nature-Plant Dyeing Techniques  Siao Mao
創新 / 登峰(張) Innovation / Summit Hall 無 NA 植物染是一種利用植物的根、莖、葉等的作為來源,以其製作染料進行染布步驟,是一種極為傳統的工藝技術。
在該活動當中,可以認識到台灣生態環境有哪些常見可做為染料的植物,以及染料的製程與如何以紮染、綁染等方式進行圖案的設計,量身打造出專屬自己的手染布。"Plant dyeing" is an extremely traditional technique that uses the roots, stems, leaves, and other parts of plants to create dyes for fabric. This activity provides an opportunity to learn about the common plants found in Taiwan's ecological environment that can be used for dyeing, as well as the dyeing process and how to design patterns through techniques such as tie-dyeing and binding. Participants will have the chance to create their own personalized hand-dyed fabrics.
四宿地下室 B1 in Summit Hall
品味:旅行速寫教會我的事—你也可以 朱啟助 Taste : Learning from Travel Sketching—You Can Do It Too Chu, Chi-Chu SDG4創新/ 築夢 Innovation/ Dream Catcher Hall 筆記本、0.5黑色原子筆或代針筆Notebook, 0.5 black ballpoint pen or technical pen 一枝筆一張紙可以做什麼?我也可以嗎?畫畫其實很簡單,在生活中如何讓繪畫成為斜槓人生的助力,讓繪畫這件事成為一生的夥伴。兩個小時讓你簡單動筆!
What I you do with a pen and a piece of paper? Can I make it? Actually, drawing is very simple. How to make drawing become a strong asset to life and let drawing become a lifelong partner? You will learn how to draw in this class.
L011 PBL教室
【義賣場】品質:手作機器人 張純菁 Quality: Handmade Robot Chang, Chun-Jing 關懷 / 惜福Care / Blessing Hall 無 NA 採用木作工廠剩餘邊角料製作機器人的主體,並以產能過剩的零件發揮創意組裝手與頭燈的部分,最後以小皮片敲字連結對自己有意義的字母,整個作品既療癒又有意義。
Make good use of the wood residue derived from a manufacturing process, together with the parts from excess inventory, to create robots. Also, decorate it with a small piece of leather which the creator can choose a special and meaningful letter and carve it on.
四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
品質:頭部釋壓&明眸舒壓術  Tina & Carol   Quality:Head and Eye Decompression Tina & Carol 健康/感恩Health/Gratitude Hall 鏡子,前一晚請先把頭髮洗乾淨,當天請素顏來上課1. Mirror 2. Please shampoo your hair the night before the class, and come to class without makeup 中醫師認為:五臟之血,六腑之氣,皆上注於頭,一次頭部按摩,等於八小時深度睡眠。一起消除日積月累的頭部及眼部壓力,不可不學的頭部釋壓與明眸舒壓術。
According to the perspective of the traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, the blood and qi of a person's internal organs go into their head. The effect of a head massage is equal to that of getting a full eight hours of deep sleep. Let's learn a must-acquire technique for eliminating head and eye pressure.
品德:時速4公里徒步環島的浪漫 林建宏 Character:the Romance of Walking around the Island at a Speed of 4 Kilometers Per Hour Ryan SDG3卓越/ 築夢Excellence/ Dream Catcher Hall 無 NA 剛畢業後的夏天,決定一個人徒步環島,快速的步調讓人逐漸忘了生活周遭到處充滿著美好,何不踏出屬於自己的步伐,用時速四公里的速度重新認識自己!
After graduation in the summer, I decided to hike around the island alone. The fast pace makes people gradually forget that beauty is everywhere in life, so why not take your own paces and rediscover yourself at a speed of four kilometers per hour!
L011 PBL教室
品味:鄉村小屋 寧芮潔
Taste:Eco-friendly Cabin Ning, Rui-Jie
SDG3關懷 / 惜福Care / Blessing Hall 剪刀 Scissors 吃完的雪糕棒可以做甚麼呢?一起來激發你的想像力,用常見丟棄的冰棒棍來打造一個屬於自己的療癒小屋。
What can you do with an ice cream stick? Let's stimulate your imagination and reuse discarded ice cream sticks to create your healing cabin.
四宿地下室  B1 in Summit Hall
品味:Let's Play:表演入門 顏良珮
Taste:Let's Play Yen, Liang-Pei
卓越/感恩Excellence/ Gratitude Hall 著方便活動之衣物 Wear comfortable clothes 有人說這是個說故事的年代,有人說你要會表達自己。但你,會不會剛好就是那個不太知道怎麼上台的人呢?如果是的話,這可能會是適合你來嘗試的一堂體驗課。對演員來說,上台、表演好像很正常?!但其實上台前他們也常常緊張個半死,那最後,還能好好站在台上,(假裝)若無其事的演完一整齣戲的秘密到底是什麼?就讓這堂課,帶你一起體驗並Play一下吧!讓我們一起展開一趟關於表達、假裝、和有自信地站在台上完成一件事的小旅行。
This class will unveil the secret of performance and how to prepare yourself for a play. Let's embark on a journey of expression, pretending, and having the confidence to go on stage and get something done.
品德:催眠療癒與催眠體驗 吳佳惠 Character:Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Experience Amanda SDG3健康/ 築夢 Care/ Dream Catcher Hall 無 NA 催眠一直是人們好奇的領域,熟不知我們在生活中,其實面對了一連串的催眠!透過這次的課程分享,讓你體驗催眠,並療癒自己,而且某種程上,還能提升溝通親切度。
Hypnosis has always been curious by people. In fact, we faced a series of hypnosis in daily lfe! In this class, you can experience hypnosis and heal yourself, and, to a certain extent, it can also increase the intimacy of communication.